Saturday, March 19, 2011


So, it's been brought to my attention that I haven't blogged in awhile! I'm not sure why. Time is just getting away with me! But have no fear; I am back to entertain the masses with our riveting adventures and crazy antics. You can rest easy tonight my friends.  I do it all for you.  You're welcome.

So today Max got to go to a big boy birthday party for buddy Caleb! It was a drop off party so I have no pictures:(  While Max was having a blast at his big boy birthday party, John and I decided to meet Margie and Lexi in Mill Creek for some ice cream! It was really hard to convince Mina to go;)
Yes, his eyes really are THAT blue!
We're so cute!
Lexi was there too, She's getting SO big!
Magnus was enjoying the sunshine
Pretty Bee
and you might have heard that there is a new light heavyweight champion....

Alright, that's all for now. I'll try not to leave ya hangin:)

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