Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happy Advent

I almost forgot that TODAY is the first Sunday of Advent! Oh my:) Well luckily I got a reminder (thanks Rene') and I ran out to the garage and got our Advent wreath we made last year:) The kids helped put it together again:)

 They really enjoyed it

John explained a little about advent, read some bible verses and then lit our first candle.

  I didn't have time to go get some purple candles so we made do with what we had:)

I think all the talk of Jesus' birthday confused Max, so when we lit the candle he clapped and then tried to blow it out! So cute:) At least we still have time to work on the boy:)

 After we had some of these for dessert!

Mina said "I bet Jesus likes these!"
I bet you're right little Bee:)

Have a wonderful Advent season!

1 comment:

Smile said...

That's cute. Can't believe it's almost Christmas already...