Saturday, November 15, 2008


We had a great group of friends over tonight to watch fight night on UFC.

Randy Coture vs. Brock Lesnar. Captain America lost:(:( it was very sad (it made Josiah cry). And we almost got to see a fight between Joe and Nate over Kenflo beating Joe Daddy.
Here's some of the action (not of either aforementioned fights:) the guy in the red trunks won.)
And Nubi got cozy with Arthur on the couch when he wasn't begging for food.
Over all it was a good night. Thanks guys, we had fun:)

On a completely unrelated note, I made Max some pajama bottoms. I think he liked um.
He broke them in real good.
They can withstand a tantrum,
Playin' with sissy
Pushing my sewing machine cover around the kitchen
riding daddy like a horsey
and riding the sewing machine cover like a horsey!!
Next I want to make a matching top, wish me luck, I have no idea what I'm doing!

And here is my latest find...
I only Wish they fit me. They are for Mina in like 2 years! I couldn't resist!

And a random but cute photo of John and Mina watching Journey to the Center of the Earth!

1 comment:

Heather said...

There's too much stuff I love in this post... : ) First of all, love that you had a viewing party for the first UFC!! heehee And that you can see your Christmas tree in the window. You are so silly!! Also love Max's PJs, and his tantrum in them. Boy, I can SO wait for Aidan to have his first tantrum.

And those boots rock!!!